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Movie News

A look at Robin Williams in ONE HOUR PHOTO

Hey folks, Harry here with a bit about that action film from Mark Romanek... They spent $445 million dollars to create the effects required to make Robin enter the world of each of these photos and change everyone's existences. They laugh and sing, and there's popcorn for everyone... JUST KIDDING... Ha ha ha... Gotcha! Actually, best I can tell this is the exact sort of movie we all complained we weren't getting this summer. A film with real characters, real emotions and with a real story. At least that's the theory. There have been a couple of screenings of the film... And I know that some of you have seen it, yet I have not yet heard what you thought! Now who's keeping all the candy to themselves? No, not you Quint, No.... YOU, share please?

Hi Harry.

I first read about a movie called One Hour Photo at your site, and since I work in a photo lab, I was amazed and exicted! But I wondered if Hollywood was going to do the usual sloppy job of portraying a photo lab like the few times I've seen them portrayed in TV, movies, etc.

Well, I guess they're not.

Attached is a pic of Robin Williams at a training facility in southern California, working on an Agfa MSC 101-D, similar to one one I work on. Word is he trained for two and a half days, and picked up on things well.

On an interesting side-note, see that pen haging from his shirt? It's one of those four-color pens that most people haven't seen since 1978. But we photo-lab people use them every day! We plot the variations of our chemistry and how it effects the colors of the film; red, green, blue lines get drawn on a graph.



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